Our session will be

  • Personal

    Our initial consultation will be dedicated to assessing your current wellbeing and mental health status and creating a personalised plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has trigger points when it comes to achieving full body wellness and optimal mental health stamina. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers.

  • Transformational

    Since achieving your ultimate potential includes more than just one area of your life, I’ll be guiding you toward many helpful practices that touch on areas like fitness, mindfulness, emotions, life goals and much more.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clear headed with increased energy and zest for life

Therapy services



Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis with a combination of therapeutic techniques which allows us to work through any presenting issues or symptoms. The combination of the two is designed to bring about positive changes to your current ways of thinking, acting and feeling so that you can go on to live a more enriched and empowered life. Hypnotherapy itself comes in two different forms. Suggestion and Analysis. 


Suggestion therapy uses positive statements and suggestions designed to speak directly to the subconscious mind. Whilst you are in a relaxed state the subconscious has an enhanced responsiveness to suggestion, so you can start experiencing positive changes quickly.  


Analytical hypnosis is a form of hypnotherapy that aims to discover and resolve the root cause of a concern. It draws on concepts from analytical psychotherapy and uses these with hypnotherapy techniques. The aim is that hypno-analysis can resolve problems rather than manage symptoms, and therefore address long-standing issues.


Free initial consultation
£300 / 2 hours sessions

£750 / 3 sessions block


Psychotherapy involves talking. 

Talking therapies can help you work out how to deal with negative thoughts and feelings and make positive changes that help you to take greater control of your life and see things with a new clarity.

Talking about your feelings and thoughts can help you deal with times when you feel troubled or lost. Negative thoughts and worries can turn over and over in your mind, and grow out of proportion. 

Talking gives you a chance to explore your thoughts and feelings and the effect they have on your behaviour and mood. 

Describing what is going on in your mind and how that makes you feel can help you work out where your negative ideas and feelings come from, and notice any patterns which may be unhelpful and need to change.






Simply - for everyone! From time to time we all need a sounding board for our thoughts or expert guidance towards finding the right solutions with various issues that are affecting our life, sometimes without even us realising.

what is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a tool that helps facilitate various types of therapy. It involves guiding you into a deeply relaxed state. Hypnosis is a passive state involving mentally focused concentration, resulting in an enhanced responsiveness to suggestion, heightened concentration and focus. 

During hypnosis we can utilise a direct focus on the subconscious, to bring about your desired change, helping to overcome those limiting lifelong habits or beliefs. 

If you have ever daydreamed, been engrossed in a book or meditated, you have experienced a state of mind that is quite similar to hypnosis.

Will I be under the therapist’s control?

No. At no point will you be under the control of the therapist. 

Is hypnotherapy suitable for everyone?

Hypnotherapy is suitable for anyone who has a strong desire to make a change in their life.

How many sessions will I need?

Everyone is different and has different things they need help with. It is impossible to say how many sessions are needed but my aim is to help you in as few sessions as possible.

I can’t make it in person to the clinic?

All sessions are available online via Zoom. You will receive a link and be able to have your session from the comfort of your own home. Especially in the current climate many more people have accessed therapy online due to the comfort provided by familiar surroundings.

What is diana’s approach?

My approach is honest, straightforward and client focused. I will work with you to get to the root cause of the issues you are experiencing, reach your goal in the shortest possible time, and produce long lasting change.

what will happen in a session?

The first session will be the initial consultation, allowing me to gain an in-depth knowledge of the issue that you are experiencing or the changes you wish to make.

This longer session will mean we can immediately get started on making those changes, and also gives me the information I need to tailor your future sessions to your individual needs.

is hypnotherapy safe?

Yes. Hypnosis is completely safe and there are no negative side effects.

How does hypnosis feel?

The way people typically describe the feeling of hypnosis is that they feel physically and mentally in a calm and relaxed state in which they are able to focus deeply on what they are thinking about. There is no right or wrong way to feel when in hypnosis.

Will I be asleep?

You will not be asleep when in hypnosis. It is worth mentioning, that even in sleep, your subconscious mind is active and listening.