How to get the life you want


Why autumn is the best time to plan your life

Find out why autumn is the best time to plan your life to achieve lasting success and making your goals a reality.

Seasons come and seasons go however the one person who will always be right there by your side, through ups and downs, through joy and sadness, fighting challenges or celebrating success - is you. 

The relationship you have with yourself influences all the relationships in your life. There is no doubt about that. Yet so many people wait for the New Year, for next Monday, next month to start living their best and most authentic life. 

Research clearly shows that positive changes always happen when we are focussed and relaxed, and never when we are stressed and rushed. When we are tensed and uptight there is no time or space to embrace new ways of being in the world; it can sometimes feel as if we have to keep moving at top speed just to stay in the same place. Although most people would like to make changes in their lives, many feel that they just don’t have the time to think clearly about their problem areas, let alone to begin to sort them out. If you have ever felt stretched and stressed to get a grip on your life, read on as this is for you. 

Don’t wait until the New Year to start planning how you want to live and how you want your life to look. If you wait until then, it will make you feel rushed and almost like you are missing the train if you are not starting to live your best life on that fated 1st of January. Surveys and research clearly demonstrate that 95% of all the goals, plans and wishes made at the beginning of a new year fail. And it’s exactly because of the pressure and stress to make it happen as the one opportunity in the year when you can start with a blank page and a new you.

Instead, the most productive time to find space for ourselves and focus on our goals is after the summer holidays and during autumn. This is a time when you are more relaxed, have had more time to analyse your life and to think about how your life looks now. This is a time of in between when we are feeling less rushed. So why not make this autumn an opportunity to relax, refocus and take a fresh look at where you are, so you can transform and upgrade your life. 

Because of all these reasons, taking the time to analyse, plan and structure your life now, will help you visualise it and internalise it before you start manifesting it and living it. This is a major factor to help you know where you’re going and how to get there. By building awareness, inspiration, and motivation into your daily practices, you lay the foundation to make sure those goals and dreams will not fall by the side lines. 

Change can happen surprisingly quickly. As soon as you believe in yourself and your capacity to move forward, in whatever area of your life, the changes you want can start right away. You can create all the self-confidence and self-belief that you need to turn your life around. You can do anything when you believe that you can!

Experience has shown me that a calm and relaxed approach to looking at your life, can rapidly bring results, and that self-transformation can be fascinating and fun. In fact, the greater your enjoyment, the more notable your success will be. Yes, there will be issues to think about, emotions to reflect upon and actions to take but if you are not worth doing this for, then who is? 

6 Steps to start planning on getting the life you want

1.    Always be aware of where you put your focus and attention – it’s easy to get caught up in all those anxieties and problems and lose track of your ultimate goals. This is the first and most important step and is a major one that contributes to your wellness too.  

2.    Reach for your best – then design and plan how to get there. Break it in small steps. Goals are dreams with a deadline!

3.    Keep motivated – find the way that works best for you to do at least one thing every day towards your goals and then celebrate the successes along the way.

4.    Transform negative energy - research shows unequivocally that surrounding yourself with positive energy is much more constructive towards helping you live a comfortable, healthy, and happy life and improve your wellbeing.

5.    Be inspired – discover and follow the people that want the best for you and that lift you up. Read books, watch webinars, and find your inspiration so you keep your perseverance for reaching your dreams. 

6.    Act now and take control – whether you know exactly where you need to start or if you feel that first you need to break old limiting beliefs and habits, as Friedrich Engels said – “an ounce of action is worth a ton of theory”.

Your dreams can come true. You only have to make a commitment to taking the next step and your wonderful new life will unfold before your very eyes. When you start taking care of yourself, you start looking better, and you even start to attract better in your life. Take real good care of yourself. It always starts with you. What are you waiting for? Let us begin!


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